
Weekly Puzzle- 01/12/2022

  Given: 5 circles of equal radii arranged together as shown with centres O The radius of each circle is equal to 1 unit To find: The area of the red-shaded regions [Note: Usage of tools of calculus will not be allowed. Pure geometry must be involved in the solution] By Dousik M, 12 A2 If you know the answer to this puzzle, please write it down, take a picture, and send the picture to with your name, class, and section.

Weekly puzzle-10/11/2022

If you know the answer to this puzzle, please write it down, take a picture, and send the picture to with your name, class, and section.

Weekly puzzle- 23/10/2022

  If you know the answer to this puzzle, please write it down, take a picture, and send the picture to with your name, class, and section.

Club 2-Puzzles

Have you ever heard of   Sudoku, Kakuro, and Hanjie? These are math puzzles that will help focus on improving your logical reasoning and capabilities. From these names, you might have guessed who made these puzzles, yes it is the Japanese. solving this is not a big task it is quite easy when you get the hang of it. we solved  all these puzzles in a pair and it was a cakewalk for some students and it was a bit challenging for the  beginners. Solving these puzzles helps in improving the mathematical intellect of an individual. It improves the fine motor skills of the pe rson solving these puzzles. They also change our normal perception of thinking. These puzzles could land you where the puzzle would be a piece of cake sometimes and they could also land you in situations where you'll be a fish out of water. Anyways, as the day started, we were all quite energetic and ready to have fun. We were first given certain instructions on how the puzzle was to be solved. Then the fun began! We

Club 1- Symmertry Fun

 We had our first club activity on June 18 and there were no words to describe the amount of fun we had. Generally, people's opinion on math is just confusing math sums but that day proved that wrong. there are different ways to look at nature one is the mathematical way. Fibonacci and Voronoi, all sound confusing and new to you right? Well, don't get the wrong impression of these names. We are sure that once you know about it, you won't take your mind off it. Right, let's get to the main picture. We went on a nature walk around our school and rummaged the park for specific patterns. It was fun and awesome doing it with our friends. Our task was to put all the collected items on a  chart and were supposed to interpret what mathematical pattern it has.

Introduction- About us

  The past 2 years have been a tough time for both the students and the teachers. We have not been able to meet each other. While we (the bloggers) write this, we remember the times we used to invent new games and play them all the time. But as the saying goes, “With new drawbacks, there must also come new opportunities." In the same way, we had new opportunities last year in the online mode. But we believe that this year is going to be a blast.  Activities, puzzles, games, and much more. With the help of teachers, the president, and the secretary, we think that this year will be full of surprises and we will be making this year a memorable one. Once again all the best to this year’s Math club members.